Online Pre-Course Resource - Modern Close Quarter Combat - Modern Close Quarter Combat

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20/07/2020 Online Pre-Course Resource

The first module of the level 1 trainers course now consists of a comprehensive online resource which teaches delegates the underpinning theory they need to understand and teach the MCQC system. Subjects which are covered include:

Section 1: Introduction – This explains the roots and the concept of MCQC and the principles on which the system is based.

Section 2: How we learn – Here we look at how we process, retain and recall information and how that process can be enhanced or undermined during training.

Section 3: Stress – Understanding the stress response and how it can affect thinking and performance is the key to understanding why skills often fail under pressure and in particular when dealing with inter personal violence.

Section 4: Training – This section brings it all together and explains how we can stress proof the training using a drills based approach to enable students to learn the system to the point that students can quickly learn to apply the right skills automatically to suit the required situation

By completing this module prior to attending the face to face training, more time can be spent focussing on the skills acquisition when A link to this module will is sent automatically once delegates have booked their place on the course.